Simulation of Thin-Film Solar Cells based on (CCZTSe) Using (SCAPS-1D) Program

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Wisam Yaseen Ali and Mohanad Q. Kareem


        This paper presents results of a computer-simulation study of a Thin-film solar-cell based on p-type CCZTSe-absorbent-layer and n-type CdS-buffer-layer in a structure of (WS2+CCZTSe+CdS+ITO) using the simulation software (SCAPS-1D). The thickness of the absorbing layer made variable in the range (0.25-3µm), and one type of defect was added to the absorbent-layer in order to make the cell closer to practical reality. It was found that changing the thickness of the (CCZTSe)- layer results in an increase in the conversion-efficiency (η), from 23.27-  26.66% with a maximum of 26.94% at a thickness of 1.25 μm, and an increase in short-circuit current density (JSC) from 44 to 51.4 mA/cm2. The fill-factor (FF), and the open-circuit voltage (VOC) remains almost constant at about 83% and 0.63 V respectively. Increasing the defects- density (Ndef ) from 1E13 -to – 1E17 cm-3, leads to a decrease in the efficiency from 27.27% to 13%. The FF decreases from 83.5% to about 70%, the short-circuit current density (JSC) decreases from 51 - 41 mA/cm2. the open-circuit voltage (VOC) decreases from about 0.64 V to about 0.45 V. And we notice an improvement in efficiency (η), (FF), and (VOC) when increasing the concentration of the acceptors (NA) in the (CCZTSe)- absorption layer in the range (1E14-1E20cm-3). The efficiency (η), increases from about 19.7% to about 27.6%, FF increases from 72- 83.6% and (VOC) increases from 0.53 - 0.64 V, while (JSC) remains almost constant. No change produced when we changed the donor-density (ND) in the CdS buffer layer. 

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