Role of Social Commerce in Consumer Trust and Loyalty: A Quantitative Investigation

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Vinayendra Mani Tripath


The integration of social media and e-commerce to create a seamless shopping experience for consumers is referred to as social commerce. As more consumers use social media to discover and interact with brands, social commerce has emerged as an important tool for increasing consumer trust and loyalty. One of the primary advantages of social commerce is that it enables brands to provide their customers with more personalized and engaging shopping experiences. Brands can tailor their marketing efforts to each individual consumer by leveraging social data and user-generated content, which can lead to higher levels of engagement and trust. The ability to facilitate social proof is another important aspect of social commerce. When consumers see their friends and peers engaging with a specific brand or product, they are more likely to trust and be loyal to that brand. Overall, social commerce is critical for increasing consumer trust and loyalty. Brands can create more personalized and engaging shopping experiences for their customers by leveraging social media and e-commerce, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. As social commerce evolves and matures, it is likely to become an even more important part of the consumer purchasing journey.

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