A Novel Framework for an ECC Secured Recommender System for Automated car Parking Management using Cloud and Edge System

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Mrs.Menaka.N, Dr.Mrs.Jasmine Samraj


Nowadays, smart parking is gaining a lot of attention between people, because it provides quick and convenient parking spaces for cars, at the same time it also facilitates an increase in vulnerability of the user's travel information. Therefore, it has always been difficult to secure user data kept on the cloud. The system proposed an ‘Automated Car Parking Based Recommender System’ (ACPR) to customize the parking for the user, based on their travel preference. Here the proposed system uses the main cloud system for global parking management and Edge Systems for localized parking management. To overcome the existing privacy issues (identity, location, availability management, authentication etc…) the system adapts Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm. This novel automated recommendation paired with ECC enhances the security, ensuring the suitable recommendation with high-level privacy on the user and driver’s data. The experiments demonstrates that the system additionally provides recommendation to nearby hotspots preserving privacy and the system contains low overheads and is very cost-effective

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