The Digital Divide Is the Greatest Setback Concerning Education

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Ms. Neha Thapa, Dr. Sachin Kumar


The problems of digital divide are an obstacle in the teaching- learning process. It depends on the quality, access comfortability and usability of the information and communication technologies (ICT) that enumerates hitches in the education process. The rise of online learning has raised concerns. The divide is huge and even today it is important to remember that accessibility is still a problem. When access is equally distributed among people, technology assists people in expanded and unrestrained learning practices. There are still some urban areas, with unskilled and poorly educated people, and limited financial resources. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced sudden transformation in the education sector and has made us realize the importance of resolving the digital divide. Owning a digital device is not sufficient, the skill to use, knowledge about its working and how to troubleshoot is important. The shift from offline mode to online mode has increased the requirement to become tech-savvy. The rural areas that are miles away from the market areas faces network glitches which leads to the issues infunctionality and operation of the technology.

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