Smart Home Assistant

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Mrs. P. Vijaya Lakshmi, Haripriya Kanike, Saipavan Gangishetti, Thummalapalli V. L. B. Gayatri, Snehith Yarlagadda


The system uses Haar Cascade Classification Algorithm in OpenCV, LBPHFace Recognizer to detect and recognize the user’s face, a voicecommunication module to communicate with the registered user by capturingthe user’s face through a webcam and stored in the system, and uses it fortraining the machine and verifying the valid user. In this project, we train ourmodel by feeding the 30 sample images of the user. Our proposed modeloperates through human voice commands and the results present many forms of actions that the voice assistant can perform to answer the user’s queries.The undertaken operations can be vocal answers in the form of text messages.

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